Bronco Off Road

Taking the 1985 Ford Bronco Off Road for 1st Time

Today I take the 1985 Ford Bronco that I got from Kevin at Junkyard Digs off road for the first time to how well it performs the way it came to me. If you haven’t seen the first video on this truck check it out here:

This Week With Cars – Episode 0131

#FordBronco #OffRoad #Junkyard

Datsun Will it Run?

1976 Datsun 280z – Will It Run?

Kevin over at Junkyard Digs picked up this Datsun 280z but after sitting on it for a bit he called me up and asked if I wanted to tackle this car. I went and picked it up and brought it back to my shop to see if I could get it running.

Check out the Junkyard Digs video where this whole project got its start:

This Week With Cars – Episode 0130

#Datsun #280Z #WillItRun


1985 Ford Bronco Would Rather Catch Fire Than Run

Today I take a look at a 1985 Ford Bronco and try to get it running after being given to me in unknown condition.

Austin Healey Sprite

Barn Sprite #2 Full Video From Barn to Send Off

Today I look back on all the videos of Barn Sprite #2 from finding it to new video of it being loaded on the trailer to the new owner.


The Unwanted Shop Rabbit!

A rabbit has snuck into the shop, it was leaving clues it was here for a couple days until there were so many “clues” that we knew it must be inside the building.

Austin Healey Sprite

Reassembling the Barn Sprite 948cc A-Series Engine

Today I reassemble the 948cc A-Series Engine for Barn Sprite #5.

Austin Healey Sprite

1961 Austin Healey Sprite (Barn Sprite #2)

I am selling my 1961 Austin Healey Sprite (also known as Barn Sprite #2) on eBay and if you would like to own this great car click on the link below.

Land Rover Military Off Road

Off Roading and Winter Camping in my M109A3

This weekend I took my M109A3 version of the M35A2 camping at the off road park where we spent two days on the trail.

Get your supply of MRE Emergency Food from this link:

This Week With Cars – Episode 00124


Part 2 – Cassie Rescues $600 Porsche 914

Starting the process of getting the car drivable by fixing the flat tires.


Cassie Rescues $600 Porsche 914

After getting a Porsche 914 for $600 the first step is the clean the car out before the work can begin.
